Anybody But Carter

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Text on Button 80 ANYBODY BUT CARTER
Image Description

Large blue text with a fan-shaped graphic on the left edge in red, white, and blue with a blue 80 in the center and red and blue stars lining the right edge all on a white background.

Curl Text copyright 1980 RECTOR union bug
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As the 1980 Democratic Convention drew closer, Democrats began to worry about their survival in the political world. Incumbent Jimmy Carter was considered to be a "ticking time bomb waiting to destroy the Democratic Party." Fear of Carter leading the Democrats to suffer a defeat as large as the 1932 election, members of the party began to push an "open convention." Officially called "The Committee of an Open Convention," they sought to open the selection of the Democratic nominee, hoping that Carter would not be selected. It became commonly known as: "Anybody But Carter." Ultimately, the movement's efforts failed, and their fears came true as Carter suffered a massive defeat by Ronald Reagan.


Wagman, R. (19 80, August 7). Open convention means ‘Anybody but Carter’. Gadsden Times, 4.

Catalog ID PO0017