Animal Liberation Human Liberation

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Illustration of a raised human fist next to a raised animal paw on an orange background with red text above and below

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In 1975, Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation discussed animal cruelty at the expense of humans, emphasizing the need for ethical improvements pertaining towards the well-being of animals and the economic challenges of animal regulations. Singer’s publication was a significant moment during the animal rights movement, attracting a larger mainstream audience. Before the 1970s, advocating for animal equality was unheard of as well as speciesism and the ethical practices performed in various institutions: laboratories, breeding and slaughtering facilities. Animal Liberation also inspired Ingrid Newkirk to found the animal rights organization PETA in 1980. 

Since then, PETA has garnered both positive and negative attention for its investigations and exposés of animal cruelty in unsafe environments. One of their investigations was the release of the 1984 short film Unnecessary Fuss, using stolen footage from the Animal Liberation Front. The film exposed the University of Pennsylvania's head injury clinic for abusing baboons, leading to the suspension of grant funding, firings, and the lab’s closure. PETA continues to advocate for animals, focusing on shutting down facilities that have poor animal production practices, saving animal lives daily. PETA has also experienced its own controversy, such as the protesting methods of throwing paint on those who wear fur or skin and the high euthanasia rates at their Norfolk, Virginia shelter. Even with these controversies, the animal rights movement has made significant progress spreading awareness and inspiring more humane practices.


Wikipedia contributors. (2024i, October 6). People for the ethical treatment of animals. Wikipedia. 

Animal liberation. (n.d.). Goodreads. 
Catalog ID CA0954