Chicago Invites You

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Text on Button Chicago Invites You, Chicago Top of the Convention World, Chicago Convention Bureau Inc.
Image Description

Orange-red thin border on a white background with orange-red text, an orange-red image of a globe with a city of skyscrapers on top surrounded by a blue circular border in the center, with black text on the globe and smaller white text in the blue border below the globe.  

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Additional Information

Chicago has a long history as one of the convention capitals of the United States, and has played host to many large-scale political and professional conventions including the 1968 Democratic National Convention and the 2012 NATO Summit. The city houses McCormick Place, which is the largest convention center in North America. McCormick Place, the city's first permanent convention and exposition center, opened in 1960 and was then rebuilt and expanded after a fire destroyed the original building in 1967. The Chicago Convention Bureau, the organization that distributed this button, is now housed under Choose Chicago, a tourism marketing organization launched in 2012 by Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The mission of Choose Chicago is to bring both tourists and business professionals to Chicago, in an effort to boost the city’s economy and the community at-large.

Catalog ID CH0178