Congressman Fithian Telephone

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Text on Button 1 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PRS 8 TUV 9 WXY 0 OPER Congressman Fithian 800 382-7517
Image Description

Black and white graphic designed to look like the dial of a rotary telephone with black text on a white background in the center

Back Paper / Back Info

[sticker: 105]

Curl Text [union bug] By authority of the friends of Floyd Fithian, Katie Wolf Chairperson, Robert Mucker, Treasurer.
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Year / Decade Made
Additional Information

Floyd Fithian was was a congressman who served the state of Indiana in the House of Representatives from 1975 to 1983. A Democrat who won the seat of Republican Earl Landgebe in the highly conservative area of Lafayette Indiana, he was reelected, serving a total of four terms. In addition to working as a congressman, he worked as a Purdue University professor, a farmer, and in politics as chief of staff for Illinois senator Paul Simon. He died June 27, 2003 in a nursing home at the age of 76.


Floyd Fithian; Former Congressman, 76. (2003, July 7). New York Times, B6.


L. A. Times Archives. (2003, July 4). Floyd Fithian, 76; Congressman, Farmer, Purdue Professor. Los Angeles Times.…

Catalog ID PO1256