Deirdre Griswold Workers World

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Text on Button Deirdre Griswold Workers World
Image Description

Black and white image of a women set in a rectangular shape in the middle of the button with black text on white background on both sides of image.

Curl Text © CBC Box 521 Santa Cruz, CA. 98061
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Additional Information

Born in Delaware to communist parents, Deirdre Griswold ran for president in 1980 as the Worker’s World Party’s candidate. She is the editor of Worker’s World, an American communist newspaper that was created in 1959 by the Marxist-Leninist World Worker’s Party. Griswold has written several books and has even appeared on the FOX News television network  as a defendant of North Korea. Her presidential campaign paired her with communist running mate, Gavrielle Holmes, and garnered 0.02% of the total vote.


“Deirdre Griswold.” 2024. Wikipedia. March 21, 2024.

“Gavrielle Holmes.” 2024. Wikipedia. June 14, 2024.

“Home.” 2019. Workers World. 2019.

Wikipedia Contributors. 2019. “Workers World Party.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. January 13, 2019.

Catalog ID PO1271