Eager Reader

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Text on Button eager reader...
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Illustration of a yellow dog looking at an open book, surrounded by a pile of more books, with brown text above

Curl Text © Freline, Inc. 1979 Printed in U.S.A.
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When patrons register for their own library card at a public library, they may receive some exciting perks, like a stylish bookmark or a button similar to this one. Along with access to thousands of resources, man libraries also offer literary-themed merchandise as a thank-you to patrons for their support. 

Vtg. 1979 Eager Reader Button Pin 1970s Puppy Dog Librarian Books Public Library. (n.d.). eBay. https://www.ebay.de/itm/235502060302?itmmeta=01JB4CC76QJ5EBS4CQPXMW91M6&hash=item36d504430e:g:9w4AAOSwQdFmC5dR 
Catalog ID IB0982