George Harrison Yellow Submarine

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Illustration of George Harrison in an orange shirt on a yellow background

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While the art of George Harrison matches that of the promotional buttons that were released for their 1968 film, Yellow Submarine, the official first run buttons released of The Beatles featured full-body figures in the style of animation from Yellow Submarine and included the production company’s name in the curl text.
Yellow Submarine is an animated film based on the music of the Beatles and their images. George Harrison was the lead guitarist of the Beatles as well as a singer and songwriter. Aside from the music and the ending scene, however, the Beatles musicians did not contribute to the film, choosing to allow actors to voice their character likenesses.
Yellow Submarine tells the story of the villainous Blue Meanies taking over and destroying the happiness and music of Pepperland. A resident goes searching for help in a yellow submarine and find Ringo, John, George, and Paul. Yellow Submarine is a colorful, psychedelic, and music-filled, full-length, animated film. Although it was popular among critics of the time, it was not a major hit with general audiences despite being a Beatles film. Yellow Submarine received a 1968 New York Film Critics Circle Award.


Yellow Submarine (film). (2020, June). Retrieved June 13, 2020, from

Catalog ID MU0492