Glenn Crater RPS Delegate

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Text on Button Glenn Crater RPS Delegate
Image Description

Square button where the top half is white and the bottom half is orange. Orange text on the white half and white text on the orange half.

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The Shape
Additional Information

Glenn Crater is a pulmonologist in Raleigh, North Carolina who earned his medical degree from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine. Dr. Crater has practiced for over two decades and has written for the Journal of the American Medical Association on a number of topics.

The Resident Physician Section (RPS) of the American Medical Association (AMA) was formed in the late 1970s and focuses on mentorship and advocacy for early-career physicians and student medical residents. RPS Delegates represent the interests of their constituents to the AMA. 


Code Blue Resident and Staff Physician. (1980, June). AMA-RPS - the Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society.

Crater, G., & Waller, C. (1996). Farewell from your 1995-1996 RPS delegate. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 276(12), 948.

Catalog ID PO1164