Hillary for U.S. Senate

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Text on Button HILLARY FOR U.S. SENATE www.hillary2000.org
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Dark blue background with white text and an illustration of a flag in the middle

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In 1999, then-First Lady, Hillary Clinton announced her decision to seek the U.S. Senate seat from New York. The seat was help by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who announced his retirement after four terms. As a first-time candidate for Senate, Clinton was challenged to demonstrate her effectiveness in office. Her opponent was Rick Lazio, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives who entered the race with just five months left in the race. Despite facing a number of setbacks while campaigning, Clinton would go on to win the election with 55% of the vote as opposed to Lazio's 43%. Clinton's successful run gave her the distinctions of becoming the first First Lady to ever be elected to public office and also the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate from New York. Clinton stayed in the role until 2009, when she began her campaign for President of the United States. 

Catalog ID PO0706