I Met Le Pac

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Text on Button I MET Le Pac LIBRARY AUTOMATION by Brodart
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Black text on a silver-gray background with an illustration of mustachioed man in a beret on the right a pattern of horizontal lines around the top and left sides. 

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Additional Information

Le Pac (short for local Public Access Catalog) was a library catalog product developed by the Brodart Company. Le Pac allowed users to perform complex searches of up to a million MARC records. Earlier versions of Le Pac contained its database on CD-ROM, while later versions could be accessed by CD or through the internet.


American Library Association. (1990). Le Pac and circulation. Library Systems Newsletter 10 (9), 76-77.

Library Automation Update: CD ROM Technology Prominent in New Products and Services. (1986, April). American Libraries, 17(4), 248-250.

Catalog ID AD1135