Irish for a Day

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Text on Button IRISH FOR A DAY
Image Description

Smiley face with white shamrock eyes on a green background surrounded by a white outer edge with green text and green dots with red outlines with a green outer edge

Curl Text Amscan Inc. Elmsford, NY 10523 Printed in the U.S.A. Assembled in Mexico
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Additional Information

This button was most likely produced for non-Irish people to wear on Saint Patrick's Day, a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on March 17, the day of Saint Patrick's death. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and the day commemorates the arrival of Christianity in Ireland and the heritage and culture of the Irish people.  According to legend, Saint Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to Irish pagans, which accounts for the use of the shamrock to depict the eyes of the face on this button. It is customary to wear shamrocks and the color green on Saint Patrick's Day. Celebrations around the world include parades, feasts, festivals and drinking alcohol. 

Catalog ID SM0095