It's Happening in New York

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New York is one of the most populous and influential US states, home to over 20 million people. Despite having been surpassed in the 21st century by California and Texas in population and economic metrics, New York nevertheless has a higher GDP than most countries in the world. 

The heart of its preeminence is New York City, which is the largest United States metropolis with a population of around 8.5 million as of 2023. The city is considered a cultural icon, and is among the most ethnically and religiously diverse urban centers in the US. More than half of all people and goods that have entered the country came in through its port, emphasizing the city’s cosmopolitan and commercial significance. 


Lankevich, G. (2023, February 8). New York City. Britannica.

Campbell, A., & Scudiere, P. (2023, February 7). New York. Britannica.

Catalog ID EV0718