Jackson for President

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Text on Button JACKSON for President '88
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A photograph of Jessie Jackson is above red text on a white button. 

Curl Text CASH AND ASSOCIATES (212) 409-6202
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Jesse Jackson ran for the Democratic nomination for President in 1984 and 1988 and was the second African American man to run, but the first viable African American candidate. He was active in the Civil Rights movement and worked for SCLC with Martin Luther King, Jr.  In 1971, after leaving SCLC, he formed PUSH (People United to Serve Humanity) and in 1984 he formed the Rainbow Coalition to fight for civil rights for minorities, women, and homosexuals. These two groups became his political base and were merged in 1996.

In 1988 Jackson ran for President for the second time, but lost to Michael Dukakis in the Democratic Primary. He campaigned for increased taxes, a freeze of military spending, universal health care, increased budget for education, equal pay for equal work, job training, and child care. He particularly appealed to African Americans and other minorities.

Dionne, E. J. Jr. (1988, June 13). "Jackson share of votes by whites triples in '88." New York Times.

Jackson, J. L. (1988, July 19). 1988 Democratic National Convention Address.

Catalog ID PO0452