John W. Davis

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Text on Button For President John W. Davis
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Grey scale portrait of John W. Davis sandwiched between white text over grey background. 

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John William Davis (1873-1955) was the Democratic Party's nominee for the 1924 US Presidential election. His running mate, Charles W. Bryan (1867-1945), was the younger brother of the famous anti-evolutionist William Jennings Bryan. Politically, Davis opposed anti-lynching, child-labor, and women's suffrage laws. Davis served one term as US Representative for West Virginia (1911-1913) but gained most of his political experience by becoming the US Solicitor General (1913-1918) and US Ambassador to the UK (1918-1921). Davis lost the presidential election to incumbent (John) Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) by a margin of 246 (out of 531) Electoral College votes.

Davis argued over one hundred cases before the US Supreme Court. The most famous Supreme Court case was his defense of "separate but equal" education laws in Briggs v. Elliott, which he lost in 1952.

Catalog ID PO0140