Let's Be Fiends

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Text on Button let's be fiends! it's Halloween!!
Image Description

Two illustrated green monsters—one pushing the other down so only its eyes and nose are visible—in the center on an orange background with black text around them. A white speech bubble with black text is on the left directed towards the bigger monster.

Back Paper / Back Info

HI [logo] BROWS® American Greetings® 98H 9973-49 [price tag: 1.00]

Back Style
The Shape
The Size
Additional Information

Hi Brows was a line of greeting cards produced by American Greetings starting in 1956. The irreverent and off-kilter art style and sense of humor was intended to appeal to the growing counter culture in America. A small number of buttons were also produced for the line, including this one.   


David, H. (2016, January 3). American Greetings HI BROWS Logo. Flickr. com. https://www.flickr.com/photos/14696209@N02/23525961693

Pederson, J. P., & Grant, T. (2004). International directory of company histories, 59, 34-39. 

Catalog ID IB0828