Mash Beer

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Text on Button M*A*S*H BEER
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Beige background with red text and a large red asterisk in the middle.

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The TV series M*A*S*H was a popular comedy-drama series about army medics in the Korean War that ran from 1972-1983. It was known for its theme music, its well-developed characters, and for reflecting the nation’s evolving feelings about the Vietnam War. In the 1980s it inspired a novelty beer, brewed by Falstaff Brewing Corporation, and packaged in a camouflage can. Though the can promised “Premium Quality”, reviews by people currently determined to taste the 40-year-old and no-longer-produced beer range from “Ugggghhhh...” to “honestly i’ve had worse beer that was freshly canned” to “Another from the archive. Best one so far! Good carbonation.”


Team, T. U. (n.d.). Untappd. Untappd. Retrieved July 8, 2024, from

“‘M*A*S*H’ Had Its Own Beer in the 1980s.” n.d. Me-TV Network. Accessed July 8, 2024.….

‌Wikipedia Contributors. 2019. “M.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. February 27, 2019.

Catalog ID BE0198