Navy 1910-1985

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Text on Button NAVY 75 1910 1985
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Blue and gold text with an illustration of a maple leaf and an anchor on a white background

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The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) was established in 1910 in a push by the British to increase the overall naval strength of their overseas territories and colonies. At the time, Germany and the United Kingdom were embroiled in a naval arms race, one of the major factors in the significant rise of tensions among the European powers before the onset of the First World War. Since then the Royal Canadian Navy has gone on to serve in both world wars and as an important member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during the Cold War. In 1985, the RCN celebrated its 75th anniversary with a year-long series of radio and television specials, traveling exhibitions, and even two books were published. 

Catalog ID EV0498