No Place Like Home for the Homeless

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Text on Button FOR THE HOMELESS 'There's No Place Like Home'
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Purple text on a light green background

Curl Text copyright 1987 DONNELLY/COLT BUTTONS BOX 188 HAMPTON CT 06247
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Starting in the 1980s homelessness began to be seen as a growing issue, one that warranted the federal government stepping in. As a result the first federal task force on homelessness was formed and the McKinney-Vento Act (originally the Homeless Persons’ Survival Act) was passed. Since then homelessness has proven to be an issue due to various factors, such as the economy or mental health. Statistically the numbers in many areas with a significant homeless population have increased each year, leading to continued concerns and amendments to the McKinney-Vento Act.


H.R.5140 - Homeless persons’ survival act of 1986. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Legal history. (n.d.). Retrieved from

National Coalition for the Homeless. (2006, June). McKinney-Vento act. [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from

S. 2608 (99th): Homeless persons’ survival act of 1986. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Catalog ID CA0238