Sarah Bernhardt by Mucha

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Yellow and brown illustration of actress Sarah Bernhardt wearing a crown of lillies, surrounded by filagree and art nouveau-style lettering [reproduction of a poster by artist Alphonse Mucha]

Curl Text © 1966 SANDYVAL GRAPHICS, LTD. New York, 10014
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Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) was a French actress and artist from the late 19th to early 20th century. Bernhardt was an accomplished stage actress with a career spanning over 60 years during which she led an international theater company and starred in both female and male roles. She expanded her career by becoming a well renowned sculpture artist, exhibiting work at the Paris Salon for years. A devoted artist and supporter, she specialized in sculptural works with a focus on marble busts, as well as costume and set design. In 1894, she hired Alphonse Mucha, a leading figure of the Art Nouveau movement, to design Bernhardt's theater posters. She is often portrayed in Mucha’s work wearing floral headpieces and patterned drapery. Since their collaboration she is identified as a key figure and symbolic in the Art Nouveau movement. Towards the end of her career she began starring in silent films, such as La voyante and Adrienne Lecouvreur, becoming a pioneer in early cinematic history.

Nagler, A. M. (2024, August 30). Sarah Bernhardt | French actress & theatre icon. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Sarah Bernhardt | Artist Profile | NMWA. (2020, May 28). NMWA.



Catalog ID EN0673