Superhero Secret Identity

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Text on Button SUPERHERO
Image Description

Illustration of the front of a white shirt with a blue striped tie and a pocket with pens in it, underneath is a flesh colored chest with superhero in red and black text

Curl Text Busy Beaver Button-O-Matic 2011: Superhero! Abbey Hambright
Back Style
The Shape
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Year / Decade Made
The Manufacturer
Additional Information

This button was created as part of the Busy Beaver Button Co.'s Button-O-Matic 2011 series "Superhero!" by Abbey Hambright. In an interview on the Busy Beaver blog she describes the inspiration for the button, "We were brainstorming different things that superheroes do— they scale tall buildings, rescue babies and old people, they defeat evil villains, when it hit me: they tear off their shirts! Thus the first ever tear-off button was born." The full interview and an animation of the button's shirt being torn off can be found here: The animated gif is also viewable above.

Catalog ID IN0100