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The sexual revolution emerged during the counterculture movement of the 1960s. Younger generations rebelled against the nuclear family lifestyle of the 1950s by means of self expression through protests, wearing eccentric clothes, and growing out their hair, distancing themselves from the squeaky clean image from the generations before. In response to decades of conservative values that were the backbone of American culture, the sexual revolution espoused liberal attitudes toward sex, reproductive rights, sexual orientation, and fetishism. 

In 1969, the Supreme Court made a landmark decision regarding the right to privacy in possessing pornographic material. Leading up to this historical moment was an evolution of modern pornography that dated back to the late 1800s when photography became commercially available to the general public. By the 1920s, erotic photography had evolved into erotic film, also known as "stag film." During this time, pornography was considered taboo, however by the 1970s, it experienced an explosion in popularity and acceptance, ultimately becoming a billion dollar empire.

Wikipedia contributors. (2024a, July 23). Stanley v. Georgia. Wikipedia. 
Sexual liberation and sexual revolutions. (n.d.). Encyclopédie D’histoire Numérique De L’Europe. 
Weiss, R., Ph. D, LCSW, CSAT. (2020, July 2). The evolution of pornography the medium may change, but the needs of our species do not. Psychology Today. 





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