Un for the Road

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Text on Button Un for the road
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Blue text on a white background

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"Uncola," was part of the 7-UP slogan and advertising campaign from 1967 to the 1990s. The Uncola campaign was designed to appeal to a younger demographic by branding 7-UP as an 'alternative brand for alternative consumers', emphasizing that the soft drink was distinctly different from both Pepsi and Cola, the other two popular brands of the time. The ads were extremely popular, embracing bright colors, current day slang, and free-form art. The campaign generated billboards, posters, thermometers, patches, and various other merchandise.


McDonald, Amy. (2017, December 4). Uncola: Seven-Up, Counterculture and the Making of an American Brand. Duke University Librarieshttps://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/2017/12/04/uncola/


Catalog ID AD0910