Union Pacific Railroad

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An image of the Union Pacific company red, white, and blue American flag inspired shield is in the center. Blue text arches above and below the symbol to form a border. The background is white.

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In the May 11, 1952 issue of the Salt Lake Tribune there appeared an advertisement for the Union Pacific Railroad. This advertisement explained that you could be “on a vacation to suit your pleasure and purse” and continued to list the various activities that you could be enjoying in the many destinations that Union Pacific could take you. This advertisement, because is appears in the Utah paper is focused on western destinations mostly, explaining that you can stay in Sun Valley, Idaho for as low as $8 per day. The advertisement ends with the slogan “For dependable transportation, be specific . . . say Union Pacific.” The Union Pacific Railroad was originally incorporated during the Civil War to build railroads west of the Missouri River toward the Pacific as a way of preserving the Union. The Union Pacific Railroad ran passenger lines from 1869 until May 1, 1971, after this date UP only hauled, and continues to haul, freight while Amtrak as assumed all passenger lines, most on UP rails.  

Catalog ID AD0329