Wall Around Trump

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Text on Button BUILD A WALL AROUND TRUMP! wallaroundtrump.com
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Photograph of Trump behind a wall with lightning bolts. Blue and red text on white background above photo with small black text on photo of wall.

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The border wall separating key points between Mexico and the United States is one of the key campaign promises that helped Donald Trump secure the presidency. At many rallies, the crowd would enthusiastically chant, “build the wall,” to show support for the initiative. Designed to curb the flow of illegal immigration, the idea of the wall was not well-received by much of the American public and the dissent was largely non-partisan, although it has been framed to be a partisan issue in recent years. Many would lose land that had been in families for generations along the border in order to construct a wall and the cost of animals and wildlife being unable to cross the border at intervals would create a large environmental impact. Others believed that the wall would not prevent any drug traffic from coming across the border, but would prevent migrant workers from being able to take seasonal jobs. Whether or not building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico is effective in reducing drug traffic is yet to be seen. Once in office, the Trump administration had issues funding to replace parts of the existing wall and add more walls across the border.

The response to the border wall is mixed, many Democrats arguing the wall is meant to keep certain races out of the United States. In response to the idea of a border wall to keep things out of the United States, people have jokingly asked that a wall be built around Trump to keep his ideas out of the United States.


Ryman, A., Wagner, D., O'Dell, R., & Crow, K. (n.d.). The wall – An in-depth examination of Donald Trump's border wall. USAToday.com. https://www.usatoday.com/border-wall/

Catalog ID PO1058