We'll Make America Great Again

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Text on Button INAUGURATION - JAN. 20, 1981 REAGAN - BUSH We'll Make American Great Again
Image Description

Photographs of Ronald Reagan and George Bush on a white background.  Outer edge of button is divided in half.  Upper portion is red with white text, lower portion is blue with white text.  Republican "elephant" symbols on edge between division of red and blue.

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On January 20, 1981, Ronald R. Reagan became President of the United States of America. Although Reagan’s campaign during the primaries had been successful, it wasn’t until the night before accepting his nomination that Reagan called and offered George H. W. Bush the role as running mate. The next day at the Republican National Convention on July 17, 1980, Ronald Reagan formally accepted his nomination and announced that Bush would be running as his Vice Presidential candidate. Reagan had been behind in the polls, but he made an incredible comeback after the presidential debates. On November 4, 1980, Reagan and Bush won.

The following January, Reagan and Bush were sworn into their roles as President and Vice President of the Unites States of America. During Reagan’s first official speech as president, he stressed the importance of working together as Americans to build a better nation and the necessity to rework the federal government for the people. Inauguration Day was filled with speeches, food, marching bands, parade floats, and the Inaugural Ball. It was during the festivities that the new president had the honor to announce that American prisoners were safely in transit back from Iran after an extended period as captives. A total of 8,000 Americans walked or rode by during the parade on that day.


Ronald R. Reagan inauguration [Video/DVD]. (1981). https://video-alexanderstreet-com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/watch/ronald-…

Catalog ID PO0791