Wild About Anchorage Moose

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Text on Button Explore www.Anchorage.net Wild About Anchorage! ALASKA
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Illustration of a moose in a blue vest over an orange long sleeved shirt on a purple and blue background with black and orange text.

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Anchorage is the most populous city in Alaska, surrounded by mountains and wilderness. Moose and other wildlife are a common sight, and the area attracts skiers, hunters, and others to the outdoors.

The anthropomorphic moose character, dubbed Seymour the Moose, appeared in different clothes in the Anchorage Convention and Visitors Bureau’s 1981 “Wild About Anchorage” commercial. The ad features Seymour and other representatives of the local wildlife dancing and singing in Broadway style.


Woodham, S. (2011, November 20). The concerned: We’re not wild about Anchorage’s new PR campaign. Anchorage Daily News. Retrieved from https://www.adn.com/the-concerned/article/concerned-were-not-wild-about…

Catalog ID EV0777