Woofy Bubbles Tan

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Black designs on tan background.

Curl Text ©Woofy Bubbles- ICA.1975
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Christopher Hodge, known also by his stage name, "Woofy Bubbles," was a performance and textile artist active in the 1970s and 1980s, primarily in Philadelphia. Hodge was most famous for his traveling "Woo World Players," who were dressed in abstract and multicolored costumes and set against painted backdrops to create Woo World, an artistic landscape that combined naturalistic shapes and surrealist fantasy to, "embrace the realms of myth, caricature, and cartoonlike realities." The performance is often compared to Japanese Kabuki theater, though Hodge remarked that, "people take it all more seriously than they should." The word 'woo' comes, according to the artist, from the 'W' for the five questions of who, what, when, where, and why, and the 'oo' which signify two searching eyes.


Bubbles, Woofy (a.k.a. Christopher Hodge). (1984, June 29-August 19). "The Woo: a Compendium of Form". Displayed at the Morris Gallery. Exhibition description retrieved from https://inliquid.org/reviews/christopher-hodge/.

"One of a Kind". (1985, January 7). People. Retrieved from https://people.com/archive/one-of-a-kind-vol-23-no-1/.

Catalog ID AR0449