You're Blind as a Bat

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Text on Button YOU'RE BLIND AS A
Image Description

Black text above an illustration of a black bat on a white background with a red rim

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This button, while humorous, isn’t fully grounded in scientific fact. The myth of bats being blind is an inaccurate as is the idea that goldfish have three-second memories. Contrary to popular belief, most bats do use their eyesight alongside echolocation during flight. And fruit bats don’t use echolocation at all! Instead, they rely fully on their vision and sense of smell to find fruit. In fact, bats are thought to have better eyesight than most humans!

All this to say: bats get a bad rap, and not all expressions humans use are accurate!


Myth Busting “Blind As A Bat” And “Memory Of A Goldfish” : Short Wave. (n.d.).

Why being “blind as a bat” is a myth. (2024). Encyclopedia Britannica.

Catalog ID IB0992