Sydney City Mission

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A blue illustration on a white background of a woman standing in front of a busy street.

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The Sydney City Mission was established in Sydney, Australia by English immigrant Benjamin Short in 1862. Short’s efforts were inspired by the London City Mission in London, England, as well as Sydney’s own poverty and lack of government assistance programs. Focusing on those in need of basic resources and social services, the mission has aided Sydney residents with food, addiction services, and crisis intervention for over a century. A Vocational Employment Training Scheme was established through the Sydney City Mission in 1979, and the following year, the Missionbeat service was introduced to address homelessness and mental illness.  


Dictionary of Sydney. (n.d.). Sydney City Mission.

Catalog ID CL0671

Long Island City G.O. Spring 1949

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Text on Button GO Long Island City H.S. Spring 1949
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A blue triangle appears at top with brown text in it. Remainder of image is of blue text on brown background.

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Have info on this button? Contact us here.

Catalog ID CL0669

I Prefer Prunes

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Text on Button I PREFER PRUNES
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Large white text appears on purple background.

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Did you know that prunes are made up of chlorogenic acids, phenolic acids, and select flavonoids that help reduce bone loss? No wonder these healthy fruits were popular and consumed regularly in the early 1900s. However, much to the dismay of California farmers, prune consumption began to decline in the 1940s. This decline continued steadily and, as of 2023, consumption of the fruit is still low compared to the early 1900s.

However, prunes had their moment in the 1980s, thanks to an increase in demand for fiber and intense advertising from the prune industry. While some laughed off marketing strategies such as passing out “I Prefer Prune” buttons in Grand Central Terminal, the strategies proved to be effective enough to increase prune consumption in the 1980s.


Alston, J. M., Carman, H. F., Chalfant, J. A., Crespi, J. M., Sexton, R. J., & Venner, R. J. (1998). (rep.). The California Prune Board’s Promotion Program:  An Evaluation (pp. 1–100). Davis, California. 

De Souza, M. J., Strock, N. C. A., Rogers, C. J., Williams, N. I., Ferruzzi, M. G., Nakatsu, C. H., Simpson, A. M. R., & Weaver, C. (2022). Rationale and study design of Randomized Controlled Trial of Dietary Supplementation with prune (dried plums) on bone density, geometry, and estimated bone strength in postmenopausal women: The Prune study. Contemporary clinical trials communications28, 100941.

The New York Times. (1983, February 16). Topics; there’s a better way; the future fruit. The New York Times.…;


Catalog ID AD1082

Captain Toady's Tasty Sauces

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Text on Button If it's Tasty... It's Toady's
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An illustration of a toad dressed as a captain. A piece of rope encircles the illustration and red text appears below and above the illustration. 

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Captain Toady’s Tasty Products was established in 1987 and is one of the brands of Puget Sound Foods. Puget Sound Foods primarily produces seafood and meat seasonings and rubs and the Captain Toady’s products include tartar sauce, horseradish, and cocktail sauce. 


“Captain Toady’s Tasty SaucesTM If It’s Tasty...It’s Toady’s.”, Accessed 22 Nov. 2023.

Catalog ID AD1081

The Magic of David Copperfield

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A photo of David Copperfield, a magician, his hands stretched out in front of him and surrounding the Stature of Liberty. A close-up of the statue's face appears above him along with white text. 

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 David Copperfield, born in 1956, is an American magician. He has over 40 years of professional performances and is still practicing as of 2024. In 1983, Copperfield performed one of the most famous illusions in the history of magic in front of a live audience. The illusion was also broadcast on television on the show The Magic of David Copperfield. During the illusion, Copperfield explained he would make the Statue of Liberty disappear and reappear. An audience was seated on a platform facing the statue as it was illuminated by spotlights. He explained to viewers at home that he would not use camera tricks or editing as everything would be done live. A curtain was then raised that covered the statue from view and after a few moments it was lowered, and the statue was gone. The spotlights were shining into an empty space. The live audience and viewers were amazed by the illusion. It was later revealed that the trick was performed by moving the audience and not the statue. The illustration seen on this button was created by Jeff Wack to promote The Magic of David Copperfield


David Copperfield. (n.d.). Biography. David Copperfield.

Makoy, L. (2023, September 1). David Copperfield and the vanishing trick of the Statue of Liberty. Medium.….

Catalog ID EN0663

Humanoid Frog

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A humanoid frog sits atop a lily pad and snatches a bug with its tongue. The creature is wearing a striped t-shirt and sneakers. 

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Catalog ID AR0490