Think Younger

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Text on Button THINK YOUNGER. Union Made. AFL CIO
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Blue text on an orange background

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Evelle J. Younger was born in Stamford, Nebraska, on June 19th, 1918. He served as a judge in Los Angeles and was elected as the state Attorney General in 1970. He oversaw the prosecutions of Charles Manson and Sirhan Sirhan, the Robert Kennedy assassin. “Under the Younger administration, environmental protection and preservation assumed new importance when the state lawmakers passed CEQA; consequently, the Attorney General was now responsible to protect California from pollution, impairment, or destruction.” Under the Republican party, he campaigned for Governor of California but lost to Jerry Brown. 


Evelle J. Younger, 26th Attorney General. (2011, July 13). Retrieved July 22, 2020, from

Younger, Evelle J. [Web log post]. (n.d.). Retrieved July 22, 2020, from

Catalog ID PO0082

Vote for Jesse Jackson

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White text on an outer black edge with an illustration of the Captial with a rainbow and a photograph of Jesse Jackson and black and white text

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In 1984, Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. ran for President of the United States on the Democratic Party ticket. His primary strategy was to develop a “rainbow” coalition of African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Arab-Americans, Asian-Americans, Farmers, the Poor and Working class, LGBT, and Progressive Whites to become his voter base. This rainbow is depicted on a lot of materials produced by his campaign highlighting the enthusiasm many felt for his diverse and inclusive politics. His policy positions included: removal of Reagan-Era tax cuts for the rich, slashing the Department of Defense budget, and the adoption of a single-payer healthcare system. Jackson only garnered 18.2% of the Democratic vote and thus never moved past the Primary stage, instead yielding to Walter Mondale who secured the nomination. 

Catalog ID PO0938

Vote Libertarian

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White text and an illustration of the top half of the statue of liberty on a blue background

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The Libertarian Party was founded on December 11, 1971 by David Nolan and supporters with similar political leanings in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The party’s platform includes: laissez-faire capitalism, non-interventionism, and the abolition of government welfare programs. Currently based in Alexandra, Virginia the party has amassed a following of over 500,000 members. Despite not holding any seats in Congress or any governorships, the Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States. 

Catalog ID PO0941

Vote Prohibition Munn

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Text on Button Vote Prohibition MUNN for PRESIDENT
Image Description

White and red text on a red and white background with an illustration of a capital building over a black and white photograph of a man's head

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E. Harold Munn was a U.S. politician based out of Michigan. He was a member of the Prohibition Party and quickly rose to become its state chair in 1947. Munn ran for both Governor of Michigan (1952 & 1954) and President of the United States (1960 & 1964) but never received more than .31% of the vote in any of the elections he participated in. The Prohibition Party advocates for the Prohibition of alcohol and other vices and at nearly 150 years old, having been founded in 1869, is currently the oldest of the non-major political parties. 

Catalog ID PO0939

The Red Coats Are Coming

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Black and red text around a red, white and black bulls eye on a white background

Curl Text BASTIAN BROS. CO. ROCHESTER, N.Y. union bug
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“The Redcoats are coming!” is a phrase often attributed to Paul Revere during his Midnight Ride to alert the colonial militia of the British, effectively starting the American Revolutionary War. Revere was a silversmith in Boston who supported colonial independence from Britain. He was part of an intelligence gathering and alarm system to report on British movement in the colonies. On the night of April 18, 1775, he and some 40 others rode throughout the area to warn of the British plans to secure munitions from Lexiton and Concord. Revere’s ride almost cost him his life while he was captured with other suspected rebels, but was able to escape and continue his journey. His exact phrase of his warning has been debated, he may have said “The Regulars are coming!”, “Redcoats,” or “King’s men.” He did not use the phrase, “The British are coming!” This phrase has become popular in the lore around Revere’s ride but he would not have used it since many of the colonists considered themselves to be British. 

Catalog ID IB0605

Yes I Can

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Text on Button YES I CAN!
Image Description

White text on a red background

Curl Text WOMEN'S GRAPHICS 213 938 0560
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Catalog ID IB0589

Pray for Sex

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Text on Button PRAY FOR SEX
Image Description

Blue text on a light green background

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“Pray for Sex” is a humorous play on a surfing term and refers specifically to graffiti painted on a rock on Makua Beach in Oahu, Hawaii. Local surfers originally used the common phrase “Pray for Surf” which evolved to “Pray for Sets” referring to “sets” of waves. In the 1960s, “Pray for Sex” was spray-painted on a Makua Beach rock and has since become part of surf culture lexicon.


Not a hawaiian aphrodisiac chant – pray for sex beach. (2014, January 31). Hawaii Aloha Travel. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from…

Catalog ID IB0598