Holly Golightly

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Text on Button Holly Golightly
Image Description

Red text over an illustration of a woman with black hair and wearing a red sweater with a guitar and holding a drink

Curl Text www.hollygolightly.com www.arthole.co.uk
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Holly Golightly is an English indie-rock singer and songwriter. She began her music career in 1991 as a co-founding member of the all girl group, Thee Headcoatees, but has had a successful solo career since 1995. After supporting The White Stripes in several U.S. and London shows, she recorded "It's True That We Love Each Other" with the band in 2003. In 2005, she released My First Holly Golightly Album, for which Bruce Brand created the cover art represented here.


About Ms. Holly Golightly. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.hollygolightly.com/

Brand, B. (2009, March 4). My First Holly Golightly Album [Digital image]. Retrieved June 12, 2018, from https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10398503_69501533055_8160…

Catalog ID MU0452

I Hate Rock N Roll

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Text on Button I HATE ROCK 'N' ROLL
Image Description

White text on a black background

Curl Text The Jesus and Mary Chain ©1995 American Recordings.
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“I Hate Rock ’N’ Roll” is a song by The Jesus and Mary Chain, a Scottish alternative rock band. The song’s lyrics discuss a love-hate relationship with rock ’n’ roll. The band’s songs are written by a partnership of band members and brothers, Jim and William Reid. They released 6 studio albums before disbanding in 1999, then eventually reuniting in 2007.

Catalog ID MU0455

Kill Rock Stars

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Text on Button KILL ROCK STARS
Image Description

Pink and black text on a blue background and two pink stars

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Kill Rock Stars (KRS), an independent record label which was founded in 1991 by Matthew "Slim" Moon and Tinuviel Sampson, was a reaction to the underground music scene of Olympia, WA in the early 90s. Moon and Sampson's effort to support local rock groups and spoken word artists through their label eventually played a major role in spawning the "riot grrrl" genre – a powerful movement for women in rock music that was a shoot off the "grunge" scene which was occurring at the time in Seattle. Although Moon claimed that he simply founded the label because no one else would bother putting out his friends' records, Kill Rock Stars went on to produce the work of many iconic 90s post-punk artists including Bikini Kill , Bratmobile , Sleater-Kinney , and Elliot Smith.


Gross, Jason. (2013, August). Perfect Sound Forever: Kill Rock Stars. Retrieved from http://www.furious.com/perfect/killrockstars.html

Catalog ID MU0458

Men at Work Cargo

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Text on Button MEN AT WORK CARGO
Image Description

Black and red text on a yellow background with a hot air balloon and an airplane

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Cargo is the second studio album from the Australian band Men at Work, known internationally for their hits "Who Can It Be Now?" and "Down Under." It was initially planned to released in 1982, but was pushed back to 1983, as the band's first album Business as Usual was still doing remarkably well on international markets. Although it was not as successful as their debut, Cargo was a top album in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom. A remastered edition was released in 2003, featuring the original tracks and five bonus tracks, three of which were recordings taken from live concerts. 

Catalog ID MU0453

More Miserable Than You'll Ever Be

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White text on a black background

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More Miserable Than You’ll Ever Be is a 1990 album by the music group The 77s. While The 77s typically play rock and Christian rock music, this album has more pop and alternative influences. Any album not consistent with The 77s usual style is released by the group’s alternate name, 7&7 is. This rare album was band member Michael Roe’s first attempt as a solo artist.


Caviness, B. (1996). The 77's & Michael Roe A Critical Discography. Retrieved August 9, 2018, from http://www.77s.com/articles/criticaldisco.html

The Seventy Sevens Official Website. (2012). Retrieved August 9, 2018, from http://www.77s.com/index.htm

Catalog ID MU0457

New Isleys

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Image Description

Blue text on a red background and a photograph of the Isley Brother's

Back Paper / Back Info

Vari-Vue by Pictoral Productions, INC. Mt. Vernon, N.Y., U.S.A. PAT NO. 2,815,310

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Harvest for the World, the 14th album by The Isleys Brothers was released May 1976. The album’s release, one year after the end of the Vietnam War, has a self-titled track that focuses on world peace and reflects on a time when there will be equity in the world.

Catalog ID MU0451

Nils is Next

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White text on a red background

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Nils Lofgren is an American rock musician, recording artists, and songwriter. Growing up in the Washington, D.C. area, he trained in classical music and jazz, but switched to rock music as a teenager. At only 17, he formed the band Grin in 1968, and played in venues throughout D.C. Grin was ultimately unsuccessful, and Lofgren began what would be a rocky solo career, during which he released a well received debut album, but others that did not garner critical favor. In 1984, he joined Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band and has continually played with them for tours and studio albums. He, along with the rest of the band, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014. A&M released "Nils is Next" buttons in order to promote the release of his album Night After Night in 1977.

Album reviews. (1977). Cashbox, 39(21). Retrieved from https://www.americanradiohistory.com/Archive-Cash-Box/70s/1977/CB-1977-10-15.pdf

Catalog ID MU0454

The Frogs is Coming

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Text on Button The Frogs is coming
Image Description

Orange text and an orange illustration of a frog's head in water

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The Frogs is a music group founded in 1980 by brothers Jimmy and Dennis Flemion. Playing alternative/indie rock, The Frogs is recognized for its improvised song recordings and public praise from musicians including Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vedder, and The Smashing Pumpkins. Many of The Frogs’ song lyrics are controversial, comically discussing race, religion, and sexuality. The band is still active although production has slowed since 2005.


Deming, M. (2018). The Frogs | Biography & History. Retrieved August 8, 2018, from https://www.allmusic.com/artist/the-frogs-mn0000057894/biography

Thompson, S. (2017, August 23). The Frogs. Retrieved August 8, 2018, from https://www.avclub.com/the-frogs-1798207898

Catalog ID MU0456

Why Do Fools Fall in Love

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Pink text over a photograph of Diana Ross

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In 1981 American singer Diana Ross released her album Why Do Fools Fall in Love. It was Ross’ first album with RCA Records after her departure from Motown Records. The album sold over a million copies and reached #15 in the United States and #17 in the United Kingdom charts. There are 9 songs in the album including Ross’ hit singles Why Do Fools Fall in Love and Mirror, Mirror both of which landed in the Top 10 of the Billboard chart.

Catalog ID MU0449

We Love Our Volunteers

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Text on Button WE (heart) OUR VOLUNTEERS
Image Description

Blue text and a red heart on a white background

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A volunteer is someone who gives their time to complete a task or series of ongoing activities for free.

The "I love" and "I heart" logos have become iconic in pop-culture and have been imitated in many forms around the world.

The original form of the "I heart" and "I love" logos was the I heart NY logo created in 1977 by Milton Glaser for an ad campaign created by advertising agency Wells Rich Greene. The marketing campaign was sought by then-Deputy Commissioner William S. Doyle to increase tourism in the state of New York. The campaign was a wild success. The original sketch of the logo is permanently on display at the MOMA.

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Catalog ID IL0026