My Dog's Better

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Text on Button MY DOG'S BETTER ®
Image Description

Illustration of a yellow dog with a dark blue nose and bright red tongue above yellow text on a dark blue background

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Ken-L Ration was the first canned dog food in the United States, started by the Chappel brothers in 1922. They proudly advertised it as horse meat, which was cheap and widely available at the time. Fido, the yellow dog, was a popular mascot. Many are still familiar with their popular jingle, “My dog’s better than your dog!”

Catalog ID IB0850


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Text on Button KALIMERA
Image Description

Neon yellow background with black text above a black smiley 

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The classic yellow smiley face is comprised of a yellow circle, two black dots for eyes, and a black arc ending in serifs for a mouth. It was designed in 1963 by commercial artist, Harvey Ross Ball. Ball was commissioned by The State Mutual Life Insurance Company to create a happy face to raise the morale of their employees. His version was created in 10 minutes. The design was printed onto more than 50 million buttons. Neither Ball nor the company copyrighted this smiley, so it was continually used by other businesses in their promotions.

The word written above the face, “Kalimera,” means “good morning” in the Greek language.


Regula, Detraci. (2020, June 1). How to Say Good Morning in Greek. Retrieved January 26, 2024, from

About Harvey Ball. (n.d.). Retrieved January 26, 2024, from…

Catalog ID SM0208

Dakota States Society

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Green outer band with yellow text and a yellow center with green text and a thin yellow line around the outer rim

Back Paper / Back Info

[sticker: 74]

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Catalog ID CL0686

No, No, a 1,000 Times No

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Text on Button NO, NO, A 1,000 TIMES NO!
Image Description

Blue text on a white background with a red border around the rim

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In 1935, this was the title song for the Betty Boop cartoon, “No! No! A Thousand Times No!!” The song, written by Al Sherman, Al Lewis, and Abner Silver became a popular hit.

In the cartoon, Betty and her boyfriend are acting in a melodrama on the stage. The song is her response when the villain crashes the story, ties up Freddy, and attempts to woo her with diamonds and pearls. Freddy escapes his bonds and is eventually victorious in rescuing the damsel in distress. The song is sung in the cartoon by Mae Questel, who later generations may remember as Aunt Bethany in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989).


No! no! a thousand times no!! / a Max Fleischer cartoon. (1935). Paramount Studios.

Catalog ID IB0851

Willie Mae Reid for Mayor

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Text on Button Vote Socialist Workers Reid for mayor
Image Description

Black and white photograph of Willie Mae Reid on a white background with black text

Curl Text [illegible] S. Wabash Chicago 60605
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Year / Decade Made
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Willie Mae Reid is an American feminist, activist, author, and socialist political candidate. Upset with American politics and the the approach the U.S. government took towards domestic and foreign issues, Reid chose to become active in politics. Issues which frustrated Reid included the Boston desegregation busing crisis of the 1970s, and CIA interference with democracy in Chile, Congo, and Cuba. Reid first threw her hat in the political ring in 1975 when she ran for mayor of Chicago. Although she lost that election to Richard J. Daley, the defeat did not hinder her desire to remain active in politics. Reid ran as a vice presidential candidate under the Socialist Workers Party in 1976 along with presidential candidate Peter Camejo, and again in 1992 with James “Mac” Warren. Aside from participating in politics, Reid was also active in the Civil Rights movement, and authored multiple books about feminism and racism. 


Camejo, & Jenness. (n.d.). Results for: Author: Willie+mae+reid. Bolerium Books.…;

Lewis, G. (2016). Salient. Victoria University student newspaper. [volume 39, number 19, 1976.]. New Zealand Electronic Text Collection.…;

Willie Mae Reid. Auckland War Memorial Museum. (n.d.).…  

Willie Mae Reid. Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. (n.d.).…;


Catalog ID PO1266

Air Kontrol Filters

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Text on Button AIR KONTROL save energy FILTERS MEMPHIS, TN 38130
Image Description

Yellow rim with black letters surrounding a black circle with a red outline illustrated to look like a cartoon sun. In the center of the black circle is a yellow illustration of a cartoon water droplet with a smiling face, hands, and feet standing next to yellow text.

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Air Kontrol Filter Manufacturing Inc was a company founded in 1972 in Mississippi that had branches in multiple locations, including Tennessee. While air filtration had a number of iterations throughout history, high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration was made possible during World War II, and the first air filter was patented in 1961. Two years later, German inventors Klaus and Manfred Hammes created an air filter intended for domestic use. The use of air filters was one recommendation in a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2023 as a preventative measure to address the COVID-19 pandemic.




CDC. (2024, January 29). Ventilation in Buildings. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Hunnicutt, R. (2018, December 13). Let’s Clear the Air: The Rise of the Domestic Air Purifier. Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum; Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum.…

Catalog ID AD1093

Michael and Kitty Dukakis 1988

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Text on Button 1988 Michael Kitty
Image Description

In the center are vertically aligned circular photographs of Michael and Kitty Dukakis: his surrounded by an illustration of a billowing American flag and her by a heart-shaped American flag. Gold banners with black text on a light blue background are above and below the flags. The image composite has a black and white checkerboard border with dark blue around the rim. 

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 Michael Dukakis was the governor of Massachusetts from 1975-1979 and again from 1983-1991. He began his political career in local government before moving on to serving eight years in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Dukakis ran in the presidential election of 1988 against George H.W. Bush. Bush's campaign team decided to combat his reputation as a lackluster candidate amongst his party by using a negative ad strategy to paint Governor Dukakis as soft on crime, and the ads struck a chord nationally, handing Bush the Presidency with a win of 54%. 

Katherine "Kitty" Dukakis is an advocate and humanitarian who was the first lady of Massachusetts during her husband, Michael Dukakis's, terms. She became a public supporter of electroshock therapy, openly addressing its benefits in her own lived experiences with depression and alcoholism following her husband's failed presidential campaign. Kitty Dukakis was appointed to President Jimmy Carter's commission on the Holocaust, bolstering the creation of the first Holocaust Museum in the United States. She also has done humanitarian work supporting refugees. 


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2024, February 18). Michael Dukakis. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Michael and Kitty Dukakis. (n.d.). Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy.

‌Morrison, D. (2023, November 1). United States presidential election of 1988. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Seelye, K. Q. (2016, December 31). Kitty Dukakis, a beneficiary of electroshock therapy, emerges as its evangelist. New York Times

Catalog ID PO1265

Chicken Little Was Right

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Black text on a gold background

Back Paper / Back Info

[union bug]

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In 1968, the rock band The Turtles released an album called “The Turtles Present the Battle of the Bands”. This concept album consisted of the band pretending to be a series of different groups playing in various styles. One made up band called “Fats Mallard and the Bluegrass Fireball” presented a bluegrass rock track called “Chicken Little was Right”. The song begins with: “Did ya hear what happened to the world today? Somebody came an′ they took it away” leading to environment consciousness undertones throughout the song which was common theme during the 1960’s. 


Kruth, J. (2017, April 19). Can a 50-year-old pop album stop us from destroying each other? Observer.…

Marsh, D. (2016, August 15). The Turtles present the battle of the bands. And And And the Ultimate Guide to Band Names.

Morrison, C. (2023, January 20). The Turtles. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Catalog ID IB0849

Ted Kennedy Turn Right at the Bridge

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Pink text on a white background

Curl Text © 1980 CBC Box 521 Santa Cruz, CA 95061
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Ted Kennedy, younger brother of John F. and Robert Kennedy, announced his campaign for the United States presidency in 1980. In a heated race for the Democratic Party’s nomination against Jimmy Carter, an accident in which he had been involved ten years earlier received renewed attention.

In 1969 Kennedy accounted that he had driven his car off a bridge in the dark on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts. His passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, remained trapped inside underwater. Kennedy tried to free her but stated that he was unable to find her in the dark water. During the investigation, conflicting reports, unanswered questions, and rumors of a coverup led to a scandal that would haunt him for the rest of his career.


Davies, D. (2019, January 17). How Ted Kennedy's '80 Challenge To President Carter 'Broke The Democratic Party’. NPR. Retrieved from

Senator Ted Kennedy drives car off bridge at Chappaquiddick Island. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Catalog ID PO1074

Support Your Local Poet

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Red text on a white background

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In the 1970s, poet and editor Paul Feroe was employed by a small press distributer called Bookslinger, which was located in St. Paul, MN. While donning this button in a 1979 interview, Feroe explained the importance of supporting local poets, noting that large, commercial publishers only publish books that will sell at least 4,000 copies. Because of this, 86% of poetry was published by small presses in the 1970s. The small presses, Feroe explained, were more concerned with getting poems printed and out into the world than making money. Because of this, there was no money for advertising and marketing. Feroe made it his mission to get poetry out of academic settings and into the community by setting up displays, and organizing poetry readings in libraries. In a 2022 article, a small, independent publisher stated that large publishers still do not invest much on poetry and that most poetry is self-published. 


Ancestry. (n.d.). The La Crosse Tribune from La Crosse, Wisconsin. 

Wong, C., Crissemari, & 8indieletters. (2022, March 12). Ultimate Guide to writing and publishing your poetry book. 8Letters Bookstore and Publishing.…;

Catalog ID IB0848